As posted earlier, the Appleton Area School District planned to ask for a waiver so that they don’t have to meet the statutorily required minimum hours of instruction during the 2020-21 school year.
Not only has AASD not provided the appropriate number of instructional hours to students this year, but they have further hampered students’ ability to receive in-person instruction through their close contact quarantine rules.
I confirmed with Greg Hartjes that, as of 05/09/2021, 1,110 students have been quarantined after having had close contact in school with someone who tested positive for Covid-19. Per the district’s quarantine guidelines, those 1,110 students all had to stay home for a minimum of 14 days, thus missing at least two weeks of in-person instruction whether or not they themselves were ill. Of those 1,110 students, only 8 (0.7%) have gone on to test positive for Covid-19 themselves.
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