After Accusations of Racism, Safety And Licensing Committee Votes Unanimously To Approve The Resolution Condemning Anti-Asian Hate Without Amending It

On 04/28/2021 the Safety and Licensing committee took up Resolution #6-R-21 the Resolution Condemning Xenophobia, Racism, and Violence Against The Asian Pacific Islander Desiamerican (APIDA) Community that had been referred back to committee during the 04/21/2021 Common Council meeting. 26 members of the public provided […]

Over Half Of AASD High School Students Had At Least One D Or One F On First Quarter Report Card; How Will They Compare At The End Of The Year?

With only one month left before the end of the school year, now is a good time to note where the AASD high schools started the year grade wise. Once the year ends we’ll be able to compare where they ended up to where they […]