Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Approves Help Desk Overhire Request

One of the action items the Human Resources and Information Technology committee took up was a request to over hire a help desk analyst.

Director Dean Fox said that Marge Vertin has worked on the city’s help desk for over 20 years and has served the city of Appleton for 27 years. She is retiring in August and Director Fox said she has probably forgotten more than most of what the other people in the IT department know about what’s going on. Given all that institutional knowledge she possesses, she’s going to need to train somebody else which is going to take some time. Director Fox’s goal is to have her replacement in by mid June, so that Marge can train that person for about a month and a half before she retires.

Alderperson Maiyoua Thao (District 7) asked if the person that she would be training is on staff already.

Director Fox answered no; they have to go and hire someone from the outside.

Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6) asked Director Fox if, for the record, he could give a bit of analysis regarding the $20,000 figure. Were they planning to keep Marge on on a contract basis or were they going to bring the new person on early on a contract basis?

Director Fox said it would be a full time hire. The $20,000 comes from the overlap of pay and benefits that would have to be paid to both positions for that June-August timeframe.

Alderperson Martin spoke very highly of Marge and said that she has been that one solid person in the city that truly knows the ins and outs of every page you open on the city’s website. He thought her role was critical and it was important to really have her replacement trained by the time her retirement came around.

The request to approve the overhire was approved unanimously.

View full meeting details and video here:|&Search=

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