Committee Votes To Hold Discussion About Alderperson Salaries Until September 2021

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 04/14/2021. One of the items on the agenda was a discussion of alderperson salaries.

As you may recall, Alderperson Joe Martin (District 4) during the March 10 committee meeting proposed increasing the Appleton Aldermanic salary by approximately $4,000 to $10,125 per year.
When the item came before the full Common Council, they referred it back to committee.

During this most recent committee meeting, Alderperson Martin made a motion to hold the item until the 09/08/2021 Human Resources and Information Technology committee meeting. His reasoning was that putting it off until September would allow the new Council to be seated and also provide time for discussion.

The committee voted unanimously to approve Alderperson Martin’s motion.

View full meeting details and video here:|&Search=

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