Finance Committee Meeting Scheduled For 04/12/2021

The Finance Committee is meeting 04/12/2021 at 5:30PM.

Amongst other items, the agenda includes…

A budget adjustment for consulting services. This is related to ongoing plans to convert the closed Mackville Landfill from an active gas extraction system to a passive one, a change that, per the memo, would save hundreds of thousands of dollars.

They will also be considering Alderperson Alderperson Kyle Lobner’s resolution that would ban the posting of political signs on city property including property the city leases to other parties. [I’m curious if there is a specific incident that prompted this. I’m also curious as to who rents property from the city and would be affected by this.]

They will also be considering some special assessments, some for roads, driveway aprons, and sidewalks at what look to be new developments  and some for the replacement of sewer laterals on existing properties. [The information in the agenda packet doesn’t say how many properties will be assessed or what the average assessment will be. I’d be interested to know that–particularly for the sewer lateral assessments.]

View full meeting details here:|&Search=

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