Common Council Meeting Scheduled For 04/07/2021

The Appleton Common Council is meeting 04/07/2021 at 7PM.

Amongst other things, there will be a Covid-19 update.

It will be interesting to see if Michael appears to plead his case in the hopes of being granted a license to sell alcohol so he can work at a gas station. The Safety And Licensing Committee voted to deny his appeal, but the Common Council has the final say.

They’ll also be voting on the fate of a property that is currently partially within City of Appleton limits and partially within the borders of the Village of Fox Crossing. This has caused the homeowners problems in receiving emergency services and general stress. The City Planning Commission recommended approving their request to detach from Appleton and become fully a part of the Village of Fox Crossing.

There are also various budget adjustments that they need to vote on. In 2020, all of the funds showed expenditures that were higher than what was budgeted. However, they showed that because, for various reasons, they received more funding in 2020 (through grants, etc) than they were expecting. So the increased expenditures were paid for, but they need to adjust the 2020 budget to bring them into compliance.

There will also be a recognition of Human Resources Director Sandy Matz as she moves on from working for the city as well as a send-off for departing alderpersons.

View full agenda and meeting details here:|&Search=

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