It always mildly amuses me that artists have reputations for being poor time managers but the Public Arts Committee meets at 7:45 AM. While not the brutal 7AM of the Board of Health meetings, it’s still uncomfortably early. But, they make it work.
They will be meeting at a crisp 7:45 AM on 04/06/2021.
They will be welcoming two new Committee members, Kim Kolbe Ritzow and Luis Fernandez.

Kim is involved in several community organizations projects and is passionate about the arts. Luis is an assistant professor Strings and Music Education at UW Green Bay.
They will be voting on 3 public art displays/events planned by Appleton Downtown Inc for this summer. The Fiber Rain project is so old it’s grandfathered in and doesn’t require an application, but the other three do require approval. I can’t imagine that they will have any trouble getting approved.

The committee will also be viewing a presentation by Anne Katz, Executive Director of Arts Wisconsin.
They will also be going over the Appleton Public Arts Committee 2020 Annual Report.
View full meeting details here:|&Search=
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