Highlights From The 03/22/2021 Appleton Board Of Education Meeting

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met earlier this evening. They had planned to be in closed session for 1 hour but ended up being in it for almost 2 so the open portion of the meeting got a very late start.


Members of the public were able to provide public comment via Zoom. The people who spoke pushed for increased in person instruction to begin more quickly.

Despite the AASD leadership team having been given the authority to move between learning models specifically to facilitate quicker transitions, despite fully engaging students 5 days a week being a constant focus of their learning models, and despite embedding the flexibility to respond to changing conditions as one of their guiding principles, the AASD leadership team has, apparently, not planned for how the district would respond to the best case coronavirus scenario where things improved rapidly.

Deb Truyman pushed hard for them to put reevaluating the framework for moving between learning models on the April 12 agenda, and it sounded like that would happen.

The Pulse Survey results were broken out by elementary and secondary level responses, and the responses from the parents of secondary students who were not or are not back in school full time painted a less rosy glow than the non aggregated data would have suggested.

I had to leave after the pulse survey results were discussed so can’t say what happened during the rest of the meeting.

View video of the full meeting here: https://youtu.be/BrDF0koYUg8

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