The City Planning Commission is meeting on 03/23/2021 at 4pm.Â
They have two items on the agenda.
1. “Request to approve repealing and recreating Article X of Chapter 23 of the Municipal Code relating to Floodplain Zoning and the Official Map”.
This appears to mostly be minor housekeeping involving reformatting, the updating of definitions, and the addition of some maps. The ordinance is 46 pages long if I didn’t lose count, so I can’t say that I read it. I trust they haven’t inserted any sneaking language in which Appleton residents give up all rights to their firstborn children or something.
2. “Detachment of territory from the City of Appleton to the Village of Fox Crossing, per the request of the property owners”.
This is an interesting story. The property owners purchased their land in 1959 with the understanding that it was in Menasha (now Fox Crossing). In the 90s jurisdictional issues arose but then Mayor Dorothy Johnson told them that their properties would never be considered a part of the city of Appleton. Then in 2014, the jurisdictional boundary between the municipalities was changed so that half their property is in Appleton and half is in Fox Crossing. This causes multiple problems including emergency services, voting rights, taxes, and building codes, so the property owners are petitioning to be detached from Appleton and recognized as being solely within the borders of Fox Crossing.
I tell you, weird local code/ordinance/policy issues result in some of the most interesting stories.
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