Alderperson William Siebers’ Invocation At 03/03/2021 Common Council Meeting – It Is My Most Sincere Prayer As We Begin This Meeting…That We May Prove Worthy Of The Confidence Placed In Us By Our Fellow Citizens

Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) gave the invocation at the 03/03/2021 Common Council meeting. Mayor Woodford: “Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Siebers.” William Siebers: “Thank you, your honor. Uh, with a prayer in part being an earnest wish or hope, it is my […]

Recap of 03/10/2021 Human Resources Committee Meeting; Alderperson Joe Martin Proposes Increasing Alderperson Salary by $4,000

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 03/10/2021. The biggest item they handled was a discussion and recommendation for the alderpersons salary. Alderperson Joe Martin (District 4) made a motion to increase the salary by approximately $4,000 to $10,125. There was also a brief […]