Coronavirus Numbers For 02/21/2021

On 02/21/2021 Appleton reported13 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 4 new probable cases. Active cases rose by 7. Cases out of isolation rose by 10. There were no new deaths.

Over the last week we had 52 total confirmed cases and 19 total probable cases. Our two week burden calculated using on confirmed cases is 175. Calculating it with both confirmed and probable cases makes it 216. We are currently in the High category down from the Very High category a few weeks ago.

Appleton calculates its totals from Monday through Sunday. The first full week of January (01/04-01/10) we had 298 total confirmed cases and 88 probable cases (386 combined) and our burden was 905 or 716 depending on if you include probable cases in the calculation.

Our highest week ever was 11/02/2020-11/08/2020. We had 461 total confirmed cases (Appleton was not yet tracking probable cases), and the two week burden was 1124.

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