Board of Education Will Not Vote On Renaming Lincoln Elementary Until Facility Naming Policy Is Updated

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education will not be voting on renaming Lincoln Elementary on 02/22/2021 as originally planned due to inadequacies in their naming policy that need to be addressed first. The Policy Review Committee is scheduled to meet March 9. Tentatively, their revisions to the naming policy will come before the Board of Education in April. There currently appears to be no date scheduled for when the Board would take up the issue renaming of Lincoln Elementary again.

Here is Appleton Area School District’s full statement.

We want to share with our community that after a thorough review by our legal counsel, it has been determined that our current Board Policy 940, Naming School District Facilities, does not adequately address renaming of district facilities.

Consequently, the Board’s Policy Review Committee must review Policy 940, and make recommended changes for the full board to consider before any renaming process can take place.

The next Policy Review Committee meeting is March 9. The edited policy would then likely be considered by the full board in April.

This means that no vote concerning the renaming will take place during the Board meeting on Monday, February 22nd.We would like to emphasize that this is in no way a reflection on Ron Dunlap or the work of the committee to honor him. Without question, Ron Dunlap was a positive role model, mentor, and leader who contributed greatly to the field of education both in our community and across the state.

The renaming of a district facility carries lasting implications and policy language needs to be established that precisely delineates both the criteria and processes that will be used to consider any such request, both now and in the future.”

Update on Proposed Renaming of Lincoln Elementary – Appleton Area School District (
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