Kay Eggert Gives Speech Outlining The Differences Between Appleton Education Foundation and AASD

Due to the concerns among some parents that the Appleton Area School District Board of Education is too closely tied to the Appleton Education Foundation (5 of the 7 current Board members are donors and/or have served on AEF’s board of directors), AASD Board of Education President Kay Eggert gave a speech during the 02/08/2021 Board of Education meeting in which she pointed out the difference between the two organizations [although, it should be noted, that she never directly addressed the concern that the Board is too homogenous because 2/3rds of its members come from the same organization.]

Kay Eggert: “And then also there were several letters that were received regarding, um, this perceived–or perception of a conflict of interest between the Appleton Area School Board–um, I’m sorry, the District School Board and Appleton Education Foundation. And I do want to, um, briefly address this.

“Um, AASD and AEF are separate entities. AEF is a nonprofit organization and it’s under the umbrella of the Community Foundation For the Fox Valley region. The mission of AEF is to quote “creatively enhance education in our community”. Um, the foundation, AEF foundation, distributes grants for classroom and school projects. Also provides seed money for new initiatives. Uh, decisions on AEF grants or programs are made by the AEF board of directors. Uh, AEF raises funds through donation from community members. AEF has its own board of directors. The board members serve as volunteers–no pay. Um, and board members choose or accept to serve because of personal interest in education and are highly supportive of public education. Uh, board members of AEF adhere to the Community Foundation’s conflict of interest policy. AEF has its own bylaws which define that the Superintendent and the Board of Education President serve in an ex officio capacity on the board which means that they are non-voting members and are there to um…liaisons to, you know, um…stay abreast of what the foundation is doing. Um, but, and the bylaws of AEF also prohibit Board of Education members from serving as AEF officers.

“Okay, then, uh, the District AES–AASD–is a governmental agency. The vision of the District is “working together, students, family, staff, and community will ensure each graduate is academically, socially, and emotionally prepared for success in life.” The District is funded primarily through state and local tax dollars. It receives and accepts grants, um, could be federal, state, and local grants, as well as donations. The Board of Education for the District is comprised of elected officials. Board members in the District serve as volunteers–no pay. And Board members–I’m sorry–adhere to, um, our conflict of interest policy. For example, Board members cannot be employed by the District.

“So in summary, I just want to add that AEF is considered a community partner of the District as are a multitude of organizations, and nonprofits, and businesses. Community partners collaborate with the District to enhance and support opportunities for students and families. Uh, this support includes financial as well as volunteer. Some of the District’s well-known partners are the YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, Lawrence University, Fox Valley Technical College, Fox Cities PAC, the United Way, and Building For Kids. These organizations commonly receive financial cont–contributions from community members, including past, current, and potentially future Board members.

“So, in conclusion, claims that AASD Board members’ financial do–donations or volunteer service to the AEF–AEF Board–that those would present a conflict of interest, are not warranted.”

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