Utilities Committee Meeting 01/26/2021

The Utilities Committee is meeting on 01/26/2021 at 5pm.

They’ll be voting on awarding 2 project contracts, one for the Sludge Storage Addition Project and one for the Solids Dewatering Equipment Upgrades Project.

There will also be a discussion about Stormwater Permit Requirements for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination. [In the words of Peter Ustinov, “I tingle”.]

And they’ll be going over Appleton’s water main break history. It looks like we had 105 breaks in 2020 vs 100 in 2019, but, actually, up until December, 2020 had fewer main breaks.

Appleton water main break year end comparison

View full meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=831536&GUID=09881535-60D9-4BF9-B881-0BBC9FD5BA2A&Options=&Search=

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