Safety and Licensing Committee Meeting 01/27/2021

The Safety and Licensing committee is meeting 01/27/2021 at 5:30 pm.

Amongst other things, they will be voting on the bartender license an Appleton resident applied for. The police department is recommending denial due to the fact that he has has numerous run-ins with the law that predominantly have been fueled by alcohol consumption.

They’ll also be considering a request to temporarily modify the city’s special event policy related to extending application fee carryover due to COVID-19. Basically, event fees are non refundable but under some circumstances can be turned into a credit to use for licensing fees as long as they reschedule their event within 1 year. The city is considering temporarily extending that deadline to 2 years given that Covid is still ongoing so that all the events that were cancelled last year can reschedule for 2022 without having to pay for all the licensing fees again.

[I suppose this indicates that, vaccine or no, our city leaders expect Coronavirus mitigation efforts to still be in force this summer.]

Also of note, the NIOSH report regarding the 05/15/2019 shooting at the Transit Center that resulted in the death of Firefighter Mitch Lundgaard has been released.

View full meeting details here:|&Search=

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