Board of Education Meeting 01/25/2021

The Board of Education is meeting 01/25/2021 at 6pm.

There are a couple items that will probably be particularly interesting to parents.

(1) In light of Ed Ruffolo’s decision to not accept a position on the board it looks like they will be reviewing the procedures to fill a board vacancy after someone has declined an appointment.

(2) There will be a couple reports on the return to in-person learning–their overall “Safe and Resilient Return” report and then a report specifically focused on the hybrid model currently used for grades 5-12.

There will also be an update on the Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) which recently held its annual convention.

Additionally, the agenda states that “Dr. Baseman and members of the Leadership Team will provide a brief report on current matters affecting education and related District initiatives” which I find intriguingly vague.

There’s also an information item about “District Sponsored Temporary COVID Leave”.

Those are just a few of the items on the agenda. View full the full agenda and meeting details here:

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