2020 Census Response Rates

At the 01/06/2021 Common Council meeting Karen Nelson gave an update on the census results for Outagamie County. She serves as the Vice Chair for the 2020 Census Complete Count Committee.

She thanked the alderpersons for their help in supporting the outreach effort to the public regarding the self-response portion of the 2020 census.

As of December 31, 2020…

The United States as a whole had a 67% response rate up slightly from 66.6% in 2010.

The state of WI achieved a 72.2% response rate down from 73.5% in 2010. For the last census, Wisconsin had been the number 1 state with the highest response rate, but for the 2020 Census we dropped to number 3 while Minnesota rose to number 1.

Outagamie County had a 82.4% response rate as compared to 80.5% in 2021.

Outagamie County had the 5th highest response rate of Wisconsin’s 72 counties, and had the 18th highest response rate out of the 3,100 counties across the United States.

Due to coronavirus, Lawrence students were gone for much of the year, but the county was told that their responses would count toward the response rate for Appleton. The county is still waiting for them to be officially added to the final count. If/when they are added, that will bring Outagamie County’s response rate up to 84.1%

Full census results will be reported to Congress in April or May of 2021. State and local governments will receive official numbers at that time.

You can view the entire 01/06/2021 Common Council meeting including this census update here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=825729&GUID=897F4EB6-9600-4E0A-BA88-B2FBE58FBEA4&Options=info|&Search=

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