Not being someone who leaves my Christmas shopping until the very last day possible, I had no reason to be by the mall today, but I was informed by someone who is a chronic Christmas present procrastinator that the Fox River Mall was quite crowded […]
Year: 2020
Sparse Posts Over The Holiday
🎄 Posts will be sparse over the next couple days as I’ll be celebrating Christmas with my family. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas also. 🎄
Coronavirus Numbers For 12/22/2020
On 12/22/2020. Appleton reported12 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 8 new probable cases. Active cases dropped by 9. Cases out of isolation increased by 29. There were no new deaths. There will be no new case counts reported on the 24th and 25th. Per the […]
Recap of Committee Meeting Discussion Surrounding Appleton Housing Authority Insurance
In light of the Common Council’s decision to keep the Appleton Housing Authority on the city’s group medical insurance, I went back and watched the Human Resources and Information Technology Committee Meeting held on 12/09/2020. TheAppleton Housing Authority seemed to be well represented at the […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 12/21/2020
On 12/21/2020 Appleton reported 41 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 9 new probable cases. Active cases decreased by 26. Cases out of isolation increased by 76. There were no new deaths.
AASD Teachers Pulse Survey Results (56% of Staff Not Confident AASD Will Overcome Current Challenges)
I covered the AASD Parents Pulse Survey results earlier, but there was a teachers survey that warrants highlighting also. The survey results were presented by AASD’s Studer Corporation coach JoAnn Sternke to the Board of Education at the 12/14/2020 Board of Education Work Session (which […]
List Of Candidates Hoping To Fill The Board of Education Vacancy
The candidates seeking to fill Leah Olson’s vacancy on the Board of Education are all in. As reported by an attendee of the orientation meeting: “Sheri Hartzheim- Parent w/ student in district, former business owner, financial and accounting experience Marie Waddell- substitute teacher for AASD, […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 12/20/2020
On 12/20/2020 Appleton reported 15 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 5 new probable cases. Active cases increased by 14. Cases out of isolation increased by 6. There were no new deaths Total confirmed and probable cases for last week were 235. The lowest they been […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 12/19/2020
On 12/19/2020 Appleton reported 12 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 8 new probable cases. Active cases rose by 1. Cases out of isolation increased by 19. There were no new deaths. If we include probable cases, 8.08% of Appleton residents have gotten coronavirus thus far. […]
Agenda For 12/21/2020 Finance Committee Meeting
The Finance Committee is meeting 12/21/2020 at 5:30pm. There are 2 action items. The first is a request from First English Lutheran Church for the city to waive the sewer connection fee in exchange for having provided the city with a sanitary sewer easement that […]