Common Council Meeting Scheduled For 12/16/2020

The Common Council is meeting 12/16/2020 at 7pm.

There is one mayoral proclamation wherein Mayor Woodford declares September through December of 2020 to be Hmong New Year Season.

The mayor will be presenting some Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee Reappointments. I seem to recall Appleton putting out a call for new volunteers but these seem to all be reappointment. I don’t know if that means they got no new applicants or they did get new applicants but still decided to go with their old committee members.

As per usual, the agenda will include a Covid update. They are calculating the city’s current burden as being 761. If you calculate it using only confirmed cases, it would be 628.

They’ll also be voting on wage increases for Valley Transit and city of Appleton employees. [Honestly, in a year when non government workers and particularly small business owners have been kicked in the teeth by the government’s response to coronavirus, giving out raises all around to public employees seems pretty tone deaf.]

A property owner is also requesting that his $50 Weed Administration Fee be waived. The photos of his property at the time of the investigation indicate it was covered with weeds and judging by the Common Council’s history with dealing with requests to waive Administrative Fees, I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess they’re going to deny his appeal.

Those are only some of the goodies in store for this meeting. You can view meeting details and download the complete agenda here:|&Search=

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