Board of Education Votes Down Additional Hybrid Options

Tonight the Board of Education voted on whether to amend the learning matrix and add additional hybrid models. As you may be aware, the district has been planning to return to school on January 19 with a hybrid model that would have split the k-6th grade classes in half and have them do half days in-person and half days virtually on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday with Wednesday’s fully virtual.

This new hybrid option did not fall in to any of the learning models that the Board of Education had voted on and approved as options. So, tonight, they were voting on two potential additional hybrid models to add as options for the district to move between.

The first option they voted on was the half day model outlined above. This model was voted down by a majority of the Board.

The second model they voted on was one that would split k-6 grades into two cohorts and would have one of those cohorts attend in-person school on Monday and Tuesday and the other cohort attend in-person school on Thursday and Friday and then each cohort have virtual school on the three days they aren’t in-person. The Board voted 3 in favor and 3 opposed, and since it was a tie the model was not approved.

Since neither model was added as an additional learning option, that means the AASD administration cannot move forward with their newly proposed hybrid plans for January 19. They are only authorized to move between the three learning models that were previously approved. Those would be Fully Virtual, Fully In-Person, or the hybrid model that had been previously outlined. In that model k-4 grade kids are in person 5 days a week, while grades 5 through 12 will follow that two days in-person 3 days virtual model outlined above.

View the whole meeting here:

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