Coronavirus Numbers For 1206/2020

On 11/06/2020, Appleton reported 24 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 9 probable cases. Active cases rose by 18. Cases out of isolation increased by 15. There were no new deaths.

We are starting to see the affect of including probable cases along with confirmed in the case count. The 7 day running average for confirmed cases dropped by slightly over 1 while the 7 day running average for all cases combined did not move. The weekly total of confirmed cases was only 209, and confirmed cases have now dropped for 4 weeks in a row. However, due to Appleton changing how the cases are counted, their weekly total is 282, and in their eyes cases actually rose this last week by 15 over last week’s combined total case count of 267.

When the Appleton health department calculates our current burden they will calculate it as being 732.

However, if you calculate the burden using only confirmed cases for the last two weeks (230 and 209) you will come up with a burden of 585. A 147 point difference is not inconsequential.

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