Superintendent Baseman’s Report At 11/09/2020 Board of Education Meeting

I’m not sure how useful it is to post Superintendent Judy Baseman’s reports/speeches from each of the Board of Education meetings because they seem fairly similar. Nevertheless, here is her report from the 11/09/2020 meeting. [Just as a note, although the statewide coronavirus numbers she gives are accurate, I think it is important to point out that numbers in Appleton and the Fix Valley have not been noticeably increasing, but rather have been flat for around a month.]

“Last Friday marked the first time the statewide 7 day average of cases topped 5,000. That’s a 515% increase in just 2 months. On Saturday we saw more than 7000 Covid 19 cases reported in a day in WI. Hearing the data so often can numb us to the reality about how high the numbers are right now and how quickly they continue to rise. We must continue to work together to guard against complacency and follow all safety recommendations that we know work to mitigate the spread of the virus. Even with the staggering increase, our work continues with our principals and leaders at all three levels–elementary, middle, and high–on our fully Virtual Plus Model. We know that our students have essential academic, social, emotional and physical needs that must be met even while we remain virtual. Nan, James, and Ben will share more information in the next report on our agenda regarding Fully Virtual Plus. Detailed plans and nearing completion for increased in-person learning including our younger grade levels, and more will be shared at the November 23rd Board Meeting. In addition, at that same meeting, we will also be giving a more in-depth look at the Covid 19 tracker data and the success of our current mitigation efforts within the fully virtual plus model as we continue to move through phases for increased in-person learning opportunities. Our leadership team is also closely monitoring attendance and engagement data at all levels and preparing to share out detailed information in early December when the first data cycle and analysis is completed. We’re also currently seeking feedback from our staff, our families, and our students. Families received their pulse survey today and have until the 16th to respond for each of their children. Questions relate to our Covid-19 response as a district and as a school system. Student well-being and access and quality of virtual learning. During the month of November, the district is also asking all 3rd through 12th grade students to take part in a short survey that will ask age appropriate questions about safety, teacher-student relationships, learning strategies, diversity, equity, and a sense of belonging which we know is so important. We hope this information will help us understand and support student social and emotional learning. The skills and mindsets that are key for success in school, careers, and life no matter what learning model we are in.”

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