Common Council Meeting 10/16/2024 – Will Vote On Bartender License For Applicant With History Of Alcohol-Related Convictions, Asphalt Reconstruction Design For Bellaire Court

The Common Council is meeting 10/16/2024 at 7PM. Items that stand out as likely candidates for being separated out for individual votes include the bartender/operator license for Cindy and the request to approve the asphalt redesign for Bellaire Court. Cindy had three OWI convictions between […]

Community Development Committee Approves Municipal Code Text Amendments Aimed At Clarifying Permitting Rules Around Fences

The Community Development Committee met 10/09/2024. They voted on three proposed text amendments to the Municipal Code. Similar to the Municipal Code text amendments voted on by the City Plan Commission these text amendments were, for the most part, not intended to increase the existing […]

Library Board Meeting 10/15/2024 – Will Vote On Request To Close Temporary Library Location 11/26/2024 To Facilitate Move Back To Permanent Location In Early 2025

The Library Board is meeting 10/15/2025 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on a request to close the temporary library location on Tuesday, November 26 to facilitate the return to the permanent library at a date yet to be determined in early 2025. The lease […]

Board Of Education Meeting 10/14/2024 – Will Review 2025 Budget, Vote On Health Plan Changes, Receive School/Student Services District Scorecard Report, Review Framework For Responding To Student Attendance Issues

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 10/14/2024 at 6PM. In honor of Wisconsin school Board Week, the District will be recognizing the Board of Education members for their commitment to their communities and students. They will be voting on materials adoption […]

City Plan Commission Votes Unanimously To Approve Municipal Code Amendments That Will Conform Code To State Statute, Streamline Processes, Allow Driveway-Related Variance Requests To Be Heard By Board Of Zoning Appeals, And Prevent Single-Family Homes From Being Built On Land Zoned For Agricultural Use

The City Plan Commission met 10/09/2024. They had three action items and three associated public hearings on the agenda. The three action items were proposed text amendments to the Municipal Code. These items were discussed as information items at the 09/25/2024 commission meeting. For the […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Reconsiders Bartender License Renewal For Applicant With History Of Multiple Alcohol Related Violations – Votes 3-2 To Recommend License Renewal Be Denied

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 10/09/2024. One of the items that they took up was the bartender/operator license renewal application from Cindy. Between 1995 and 2007, Cindy was convicted 3 times for driving while intoxicated. In 2024 she received a felony conviction for driving […]

Mayor Woodford Presents 2025 Executive Budget And Service Plan To Common Council

The Common Council met 10/02/2024. Mayor Woodford spent around 25 minutes giving a presentation on the 2025 Executive Budget. This budget will be discussed in-depth and voted on by the Finance Committee on Budget Saturday which is 11/02/2024 and then voted on by the Common […]

Board Of Health Votes Unanimously To Ban Smoking In City Blocks Where Library And Transit Center Are Located

The Board of Health met 10/09/2024. They had one action item on their agenda which was a proposed update to the city’s Municipal Code which would ban smoking in the blocks on which the library and the Transit Center are located. Currently, smoking is already […]

Finance Committee Approves 2025-2029 Contract For Cleaning Services – Goes With Second Lowest Bidder Due To Size And Experience Of Company, Ability To Tracking Cleaning Schedule On App

The Finance Committee met 10/07/2024. One of the items on the agenda was the request to approve a contract with KleenMark to provide janitorial services to all City of Appleton facilities/locations for 2025-2029 starting at $463,883 for 2025 and increasing yearly to $522,105 in 2029. […]

Safety and Licensing Committee Meeting 10/09/2024 – Will Vote For Second Time On Bartender License For Applicant With 3 OWIs And 1 Felony Conviction For Elevated Blood Alcohol Level, Vote On New Special Events Policy

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 10/09/2024 at 5:30PM. They will be reconsidering and voting on the operator/bartender license for Cindy Reed. Cindy had three OWI convictions between 1995 and 2007 and then in 2024 received a felony conviction for driving with a prohibited […]